
7 'Game Of Thrones' Theories So Crazy They Have To Be True

Warning! This post is dark and full of spoilers!

You know nothing about crazy, Jon Snow.

By now most "Game of Thrones" fans have heard about "R + L = J," a theory about Jon Snow's true parentage. Many fans are also aware of various other theories, like how Tyrion may not really be a Lannister. These have been widely accepted, but they're just a few of the many theories out there. Yeah, a lot of theories are easy to dismiss right away. But the craziest thing of all is that some of the wildest actually make a lot of sense.

Here are seven "Game of Thrones" theories that are so crazy they have to be true:

1. Robb Stark is alive

What we're supposed to believe:
The King in the North was betrayed by the Freys and the Boltons at the Red Wedding, which led to his death, his mom's death and freakouts across the Internet.

The theory:
Robb Stark is about to send his regards to the Lannisters. The Starks clearly have an uncanny ability to warg into animals. The theory, which can be found on various fan message boards, states that before Robb's death he warged into his direwolf, and later into some other kind of animal when the wolf was killed. There's actually evidence that this is possible, as shown by the wildling Orell, who wargs into an eagle as he dies.

2. The true identity of Jon Snow's parents is not R + L = J


What we're supposed to believe:
"R + L = J" argues that Rhaegar Targaryen and Lyanna Stark are Jon Snow's real parents. It's believed that it was Lyanna's dying wish for Eddard to claim Snow as his own to protect him. Plus, Eddard is pretty much the most honorable dude around. Could he really cheat on Catelyn?

The theory:
Hells yeah he cheated on Catelyn. George R.R. Martin has said he doesn't think there are characters in the story who are "wholly good or wholly evil." Well, except for Eddard Stark, right? Unless, of course, he is actually Snow's father. If so, Snow's real mother could be Lady Ashara Dayne or even the wet nurse Wylla, who is actually mentioned in the show.

3. Jon Snow will become a White Walker

Image: Giphy

What we're supposed to believe:
Jon Snow is pretty much running the show at the Wall at this point. New clips show him seemingly trying to get Mance Rayder on his side in the fight against the White Walkers. The guy just doesn't like them.

The theory:
The book series is called A Song of Ice and Fire. If Daenerys and her dragons are the fire, what's the ice? As noted above, Martin has said his characters aren't all good or all evil. Considering some events that occur in Martin's novel A Dance with Dragons, it's theorized that Snow will join up with the White Walkers in the fight against House Targaryen.

4. Jamie and Cersei are Targaryens


What we're supposed to believe:
Jamie and Cersei are a couple of twins who have carried on a seriously disturbing incestuous relationship for years, and their father either didn't know or never acknowledged it. This relationship results in three kids who should clearly not be sitting on the Iron Throne.

The theory:
In the books, it's stated that the Mad King Aerys took some liberties with Tywin Lannister's wife, Joanna, on Tywin's wedding night. Also, as Reddit user tuna_HP points out, there are hints in the books that seem to support the idea that Cersei and Jaime might not be Tywin's. This can be seen in a statement said to Jaime by his aunt:

Tyrion is Tywin's son, not you. I said so once to your father's face, and he would not speak to me for half a year. Men are such thundering great fools. Even the sort who come along once in a thousand years.

This, along with the fact that incest was a pretty common thing with the Targaryens, has led many to believe that perhaps Jaime and Cersei aren't Lannisters after all. If that's true, Cersei's children might actually have a claim on the kingdom, and Jaime would be a kinslayer, not just a Kingslayer.

5. Syrio Forel is Jaqen H'ghar


What we're supposed to believe:
Syrio Forel, the former First Sword of Braavos, becomes Arya's swordfighting "dancing" instructor and dies offscreen while defending her from Lannister guards following Eddard Stark's arrest. He must be dead, because Ser Meryn Trant, one of his adversaries, continues to appear in the series, and that dude seems fine.

The theory:
Syrio Forel is actually one of the Faceless Men from Braavos -- i.e., an assassin who can change his appearance. If that's the case, it wouldn't be much of a stretch to suppose that Forel is also Jaqen H'ghar, the Faceless man who killed three people for Arya. It makes sense. As this Dorkly video points out, both Forel and H'ghar are from Braavos, they both offer Arya their help and they both call her "boy."

6. Eddard Stark is alive


What we're supposed to believe:
Eddard Stark is accused of treason. Then, after Joffrey decides to be the gracious king he is, the Stark patriarch loses his head and the world goes nuts.

The theory:
What if it wasn't Eddard who was killed that day? If Forel was in fact a Faceless man, he could've changed his appearance and taken Stark's place, and there's always that whole Stark warging thing. Could Ned do it too?

Users on A Forum of Ice and Fire have marshaled what they claim is evidence from the book series that Eddard is alive, including Sansa not necessarily recognizing his face after his death and Catelyn's comments about his bones not appearing how she expected. Though if Joffrey did have the real Eddard killed, it offers a good excuse to watch this:

Image: Giphy

7. "Hodor" has a secret meaning that could change everything


What we're supposed to believe:

Hodor is a simpleton who is loyal to the Starks. He's just this awesome guy who carries Bran around and can only say "Hodor," which can pretty much mean anything.

The theory:
Hold on to your Hodors. Hodor's real name is actually Walder. In the books, Old Nan explains that "Hodor" is just what he says. But what if there's actually more meaning to it?

Martin hasn't really revealed how Hodor came to say "Hodor." Fan forums claim that Hodor's name was inspired by the Norse god Hod, and that the character has a connection to darkness and winter, perhaps being an agent for the Great Other who is the enemy of Melisandre's Red God. Others even claim the word could have something to do with controlling dragons.

So what do you think about that, Hodor?

Image: Giphy

Well said.

The fifth season of "Game of Thrones" premieres Sunday, April 12, on HBO. Read More

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