GREAT FALLS, Mont. -- A man once accused of plotting to kidnap retired talk show host David Letterman's son and nanny has been released from a Montana prison for a second time after serving additional years for violating parole.
The Great Falls Tribune reported Saturday that Kelly Allen Frank was released in mid-November and is under the supervision of parole officials.
Frank was a painter on Letterman's Montana ranch when he was arrested in 2005 on charges of plotting an abduction.
In a deal with prosecutors, he pleaded guilty to overcharging Letterman for his work and other violations and was sentenced to 10 years in prison. Prosecutors dropped kidnapping-related charges.
Frank escaped in 2007 but was recaptured and sentenced to another 10 years.
He was released in 2014 but was re-arrested in 2015 for the parole violation.
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